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Seismic swarm on the Rykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) near Breinnisteinsfjöll volcano

Tue, 4 Sep 2012, 13:46 | BY: T
Map of the quakes (red: within 48 hours, yellow: past week)
Map of the quakes (red: within 48 hours, yellow: past week)
Time and depth of quakes during the recent swarm
Time and depth of quakes during the recent swarm
Update 4 Sep: The swarm still continues with over 30 quakes in the same area so far today.

An earthquake swarm started yesterday NE of Breinnisteinsfjöll volcano in the SISZ (South Iceland Seismic Zone) on the Reykjanes peninsula. The swarm is in the area of the recent 4.4 quake on 30 August and its swarm of aftershocks.
The quakes, about 100 so far during the past 36 hours, are mostly very small between magnitude 0.5-1.5 and located at around 3-6 km depth in a 5 km narrow long N-S zone. It is unclear whether the quakes are related to magma movements in the rift zone or part of larger stress change in the area.
Crater rows 626 m / 2,054 ft
Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, 63.92°N / -21.83°W
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5) Brennisteinsfjöll volcano eruptions:
1000(?), 1188(?), 1200(?), 1341
Typical eruption style
Effusive (lava flows)
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